Friday, January 11, 2008

Coco Scene! Grey's Anatomy ...poor thing!

What we loved:

It was great to see Derek, aka McDreamy, again!

The New Age Healer was fun.

Bailey was awesome.

Love the banter with Dr. Hahn and Dr. Torres. We are beginning to like McSteamy ... as a person - he was funny.

What made us want to say, "Poor thing...":

George, poor thing, is just not such a great guy.

Lay Your Hands On Me

McDreamy, poor thing, seems to have "issues" that makes him so much less ...than. We feel sorry for Rose, his nurse "friend"... it is so hard when your love interest is more attractive than you. Not that any Coco Mommy has ever been in that position.. Poor Rose.

Lexie, poor thing, is no Meredith Grey.

Meredith needs a new love interest to remind Dr. McDreamy she isn't just anybody... poor thing.

In the end... the writer's strike has gotten ridiculous. But, the writing for this season's Grey's Anatomy has been mediocre at best... maybe this break will improve the storylines, and we might actually like Dr. McDreamy again and not just how he looks.
