Here are the character of the Girls in Numerology (we found this at AOL) terms: Frank Ockenfels, ABC
Dr. Meredith Grey
The name Meredith Grey is sensitive, promotes cooperation, and makes everyone feel safe. It promotes adaptablity and survival against all odds. The name indicates understanding, compassion, and intimacy, and tends to draw support with subtle persuassion rather then force. We all know Meredith is a surviver after growing up fatherless, losing her mother to Alzheimer's and her boyfriend to his wife (briefly). Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens
Isobel "Izzie" Stevens is a name that reflects intelligence, depth, and a quest for knowledge and information. She has courage, determination, perseverance, and a strong competitive streak. Perhaps this is why Izzie tried so hard to save Denny even though it would compromise her reputation as a doctor. However, she is now determined more than ever to become a great surgeon. Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd
The name Addison Montgomery-Shepherd enhances a sense of adventure, risk-taking, adaptability, and flexibility. The vowels suggest a strong sense of beauty and a good sense of business. As her name suggests, she's a risk-taker (cheating on her husband) and can adapt to many situations (moving cross country).
Dr. Miranda Bailey
The vowel vibration in Miranda Bailey has courage, determination, perseverance, and a strong competitive streak. It also offers protection, takes away anxiety and fears, and heals the broken-hearted. The base vibration in this name draws respect and admiration. Quite fitting for a woman who is respected by her interns and fellow doctors. Dr. Bailey knows when to put her foot down and when to be comforting.
Dr. Cristina Yang
The name Cristina Yang induces a sense of freedom, adventure, risks, gambling and daring acts of courage. There is passion and excitement, often pushing the envelope of what is legal. However, the vowels give the impression of weakness, fear of confrontation and lack of confidence. Cristina crossed the line when shielding Dr. Burke's hand tremors from the others but in the end she is passionate about him and about being a surgeon.
We can comfortably say that the two major archetypes are an Izzie and a Meredith.
Meredith tends to keep her cards closer to her vest while Izzie tends to go into emotional land without a pass back. Because of that factor we feel that we fall into Meredith's camp. True - she does whine and is a little self absorbed... but , which would you want as a BFF?
Heaven help you if you are an Addison - how in the world did she get through medical school with all of the boy distractions? Can you say .."issues"!!!
Miranda is amazing except for one issue we have - the working vs. stay at home mom. On top of that, Miranda types are so giving they are the ones that end up with health issues because they put themselves last.
Cristina, Cristina, Cristina... she does seem to have it together, doesn't she? BUT - She is a hard person to like... soberly.. she would be fun at a party. She was initially dismissed by her now fiancee. Charm and charisma seem to be her weakness, both are essential for success.
So - are you an Izzie or a Meredith?