Sunday, March 25, 2007

Brangelina's saga continues...ahh diversity

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According to the National Ledger:

Though Pitt has famously stated that he wanted a ton of kids, enough to fill a soccer team, a report from the UK Mirror claims it is Jolie's way or the highway for Mr. Pitt. In the report a friend tells the newspaper that it is Jolie that 'wears the pants in the family.' "Angelina wears the trousers in the relationship and Brad is happy to go along with anything that will make her happy, says the friend. Some friend, that sounds bad for Pitt.

"He very much wanted her to wait (to push through the adoption) until he was through with the movie he was filming, but she just went right ahead with signing the adoption papers."

On top of this, stories have just surfaced that the bio-mom of Angelina's latest liter pick is a heroine addict, and bio-mom never signed the adoption papers herself, rather it was her parents that signed the papers!

We guess in this case the blonde rule applies... blonde, beautiful, ... brainless - Brad.

That poor kid... he is going to be in the middle of a serious mess.. brought to us by - Dear Angie.

Because we know how important diversity is...
